Sensor Demonstration
ZF Gear Tooth sensors are Hall Effect devices designed for use in applications where ferrous edge detection / near zero speed sensing is required. Inside the sensor housing, a magnet can be found mounted on the back of a Hall IC, ensuring a continuous magnetic field. When a ferromagnetic target passes, the Hall IC recognises a disturbance of the magnetic field. Capable of measuring up to 20 KHz, our Gear Speed (single Hall) or Speed & Direction sensors (differential HALL) are available in a variety of forms.
Variable parameters include length (20 – 80 mm), flange orientation, termination method and electronic interface. Typical applications include DC Motors, Speedometers, Off-highway vehicles, Anti-lock braking systems, Exercise equipment & CNC machine tools.
ZF Certificates
ZF operates world wide according certified standards. On this page you will find the current certificates of the ZF sites, world wide.